Technologies and equipment for basalt materials manufacturing

BFCMTD offers the following equipment & services:

• Industrial technological equipment for continuous basalt fiber (CBF), super thin basalt fiber (STBF) and basalt scale (Bsc) manufacturing;

• CBF, STBF, BSc materials & products production organization;

• Selection of basalt breeds from local deposits for fiber production.

                               BFCMTD PROPOSALS OF COOPERATION

1. Delivery, installation and launching of equipment for production of CBF, BSTF, BSc, materials & products made on its base;

2. Technological support of production of BCF, STBF, BSc and modernisation of technological equipment with application of company’s know-how under patents terms;

3. Organization of joint-ventures for production of CBF, BSTF, materials & products made on its base with participation of BFCMTD.

Continuous Basalt Fiber (CBF)

BFCMTD offers processing equipment & production organization for continuous basalt fiber manufacturing: 

• Processing equipment manufacturing, installation & start-up of technological lines TE BCF 1000-1500 for CBF manufacturing. Including: TE BCF 1000-1500 technological lines and BCF1, BCF2 installations.

• CBF & basalt fiber materials technological lines & installations manufacturing.

• Providing initial data for CBF manufacturing workshops & factories design,

   Participation in designing and organization of manufacturing process;

• Organization of CBF industrial production (with annual output 3,000 / 5,000 / 10,000 tons a year)

Basalt Fiber materials

BFCMTD offers technological processing equipment for basalt fiber materials manufacturing, including machines, installations, and technological lines for fabrics, nets, mats, profile plastics, armature, composite materials and basalt fiber products manufacturing. Under the special request CBF materials equipment & technological lines are provided.  

                                                   Integrated solutions

BFCMTD’s work model implies providing customer with full means for total cycle production, beginning with getting basalt, which is a raw material, and ending with finished products - CBF materials. This kind of total cycle production model is highly effective & profitable: the minimum investment return period is 1.5~2 years. CBF production is based on application of technological lines TE BCF 1000-1500 with productivity 1000-1500 tons a year. The technological lines TE BCF 1000-1500 are the core of big CBF production facility with annual output 3,000 / 5,000 / 10,000 tons.

  Besides technological lines, BFCMTD provides facilities for CBF materials production, including fabrics, nets, geo nets, grids, mats, composite materials. CBF & CBF materials production facilities have modular design, which allows quick and effective production organization

Super thin basalt fibers (STBF)

BFCMTD can manufacture, install & launch STBF manufacturing installations, such as BCTB 20M, BSTF 20, BSTF 40, as well as STBF materials manufacturing equipment, such as felts, mats, heat isolation materials, fire-resistant materials, filters and so on.  

Компания предлагает поставку, монтаж и пуск установок BSk 20, BSk 60 для производства базальтовой чешуи (БЧ), оборудование для производства защитных покрытий и композиционных материалов на основе БЧ.

Basalt scales (BSc)

BFCMTD can manufacture, install & launch Bsc manufacturing installations, such as BSk 20, BSk 60, as well as equipment for production of protective wear proof coverings & BSc reinforced composite materials.

Energy saving technologies for industrial enterprises
Печь скоростного нагрева

Energy saving technologies for industrial enterprises

Inspections of thermal-consuming manufactures - audit of energy consumption.

Reconstruction projects for heating, thermal, kilning, bell-type & other furnaces, as well as thermal equipment with application of energy saving technologies & energy saving equipment.

Whole range of reconstruction and manufacturing works with furnaces & thermal equipment, reducing power consumption by 20~50%.

BFCMTD offers implementation of technologies & equipment, which allows the following:

• To reduce energy consumption (natural gas, LPG or coke gas, the electric power) significantly;

• To reduce power-intensive production manufacturing cost (for porcelain & ceramics products, rolled metal, pipes, rolled sheets, building materials and so on).  

Energy saving technologies is implemented step by step:

First step:

Company specialists inspect furnaces, thermal equipment, power consuming plants, make an audit of energy consumption, compile energy saving offers, provide technical & economic assessment, economic efficiency evaluation.

Second step:

Selection of priority objects for reconstruction. Performance of design works, heating engineering calculations, preparation of engineering specifications for furnaces, thermal equipment, power consuming plants reconstruction.

Third step:

Reconstruction works, including manufacturing, installation or installation guidance of additional equipment, lining works, reconstructed furnaces & thermal equipment launching.  

                         High-temperature materials

Плоскофакельная газовая горелка


High-temperature materials, composite materials & special application products: glues, materials for bushing fettle, high-temperature materials products (gas or liquid-fuel stoves stones, special products).

Under special request high-temperature glues & high-temperature materials for trial or industrial purposes can be provided. Under special request our company can develop & select different high-temperature materials with various application goals.